This is something very cool and funny. A-team never kills a bad guy, they don't even wound them. But the way B.A. a bad guy over a car or when Hannibal says "I love it when a plan comes together" you don't even notice that this is in fact a family show. The A-Team help people in need, they don't always do it for money, they help people even if the people don't have to money to pay them. I think "The A-Team" is a well done film, it may seem violent, but the focus is what it is all about, soldiers who help people out, they only shoot when they have to. No one has ever got killed except Gen. Fullbright by Vietnamese soldiers in one episode, and a Mob boss who gets killed, but not by the A-Team. All in all, it was a great film which brings back great memories . A big pat on the back must go to everyone involved in this wonderful film. I hope the big budget film is good but nothing could ever be better than this film.