

Since North Korea's shelling of Yeonpyeong Island in October last year, the South’s military was placed on its highest non-wartime alert. South Korean president Lee Myung-bak warned North Korea that his country would “sternly retaliate against any further provocations”. Two out of three South Koreans believe the country should arm itself with nuclear weapons in response to the North Korean nuclear threat.

In North Korea, the repressive regime staggers under international sanctions and the fallout from a botched currency reform. People shouted "We can't live! Give us fire! Give us rice!” North Korea's economy is essentially paralyzed since a disastrous currency reform in December. Also, Lee Myung-bak administration has suspended aid because the North continued provocations.

The leader of North Korea is just wants to show his power and then getting more power. So, he used the national consciousness of South Korea to provide them food support. Actually, he use these support to develop its own military. Finally, the purpose is to unify the Korea. In short, I think the war is terrible. The sufferers will be civilians only.

